Real!Life Doctor Who

Dec 22, 2008 22:15

I just realised that I had kind of "first contact" with Doctor Who way before the new series made it into German TV this year. Well, not with "The Doctor", but someone who borrowed his name in real life.

For years when I was a kid/teen I spent at least 2 weeks every summer in holiday camps. Those camps always had 'organizers' (no idea how you call them, I guess there is a better word), basically they were older teens/young adults who were overlooking the kids and taking care nobody accidentally killed himself swimming in the Baltic Sea and the likes).
Anyway: one year (no idea why I remembered this just now) one of them produced his own "camp radio show", playing music and giving kind of a fun 'life coaching' (what should I do if my heart-throb ignores me, things like that). Pretty funny stuff (or at least it was when I was 14). So of course he needed a cool name for presenting the show. I surely won't give his full name, but it started with 'Hu****', so he called himself "Dr. Hu". Now guess how that is pronounced in German - yep: Dr. Who!
Maybe he knew the show (the classic series had been on German telly for a few series back then and hey: after all he was a coool 19 year old!), maybe he didn't and it was just coincidence, but the realisation of it just a few minutes ago made me laugh XD

doctor who, holiday

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