Music, music, music

Dec 06, 2008 17:33

Finally bought myself a new stereo. Well I say 'bought', it's more like 'ordered', since according to amazon delivery will take up to 4 weeks (should have ordered last week, they had them in store then...). A real shame, since I already gave my old one away to my father. It was his in the first place, but he gave it to me when he bought a new one 10 years ago. So just to give you an idea: first I was stuck with some mediocre stereo system that was at least 20 years old (I'm guessing older), now I have none and have to stick to my iPod or PC. But then the waiting should be worth it. I settled for a Yamaha Pianocraft (E410), which in it's price class is supposed to be one of the best sound-wise. Tested it at a local electronics store and loved it. I so would have wanted to take it with me right then but they wanted me to pay 70 € more than amazon. Sorry, but no.

Plus, today I decided on the cloth for the new curtains in my living room. So once they are done and the stereo is delivered my all-new, all-shiny living room will finally be complete :D

living, music

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