I miss my beard... Aside from that, I busted out 3 paintings in 2 days. I'm really proud of all of them, and I'll have them up on my website (
http://www.McAllisterArt.com ) shortly. Two of them may have to wait till after Christmas before you can view them (they're Christmas presents) but I think they are worth the wait. I'm slowly gaining control over my brush strokes and am able to put paint down on the canvas similar to how I see it in my head. It's pretty comforting to get that much painting done and have it all be up to my standards. Anyways, I'd like whoever reads this to take a look and give some feedback. I have Terri give me feedback, but she's my wife and there's an undeniable bias there. So yeah, within the next couple days, look for at least one new painting on my site.