Dec 03, 2002 14:30
I helped Terri move into her new house with her cousin Abbey last night. Well, not really, I only put together a shelf. I wish I could do more, but my schedule has got me buckled down. I work 40 hours a week so that takes up a majority of my time. The work is good and I keep busy and in shape, but I miss Terri. I know I'll be able to spend a lot more time with her now that she lives in Tampa, but it's still 30 minutes away. I don't think I'd be satisfied with a foot away to tell the truth, hehe. It will all work out in the end though, that I know for sure.
My dad is leaving tomorrow for Afganistan for 3 months and it's disturbing. He shouldn't be going there, no one should. I don't know, I haven't really studied into the situation over there, so I won't make any judgements about our military actions over there. I just wish my dad didn't have to go. As much as I wanted an apartment to myself, I'm really going to miss him. sad stuff.