School is confusing. I still like business and I am loving Chinese, but there's something else that my heart wants to do (and it is waaay different from business) but I guess it is too late to change that. I have convinced myself that I'll stay here and graduate. I have to, it's my junior year for crying out loud! Moving to another school and starting all over again isn't what I think to be an ideal thing to do. I kinda believe I will eventually end up somewhere as something. Also, a good friend told me, that as long as you have something right now, you'll always have something in the future. That is comforting to hear. Work sucks. This ratrace, as Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) explains, is literally killing me. I am afraid that one day, I'll be "out there" and doing something that isn't as fulfilling as I thought and despite all that fact, I'd still be working because of the financial rewards. I hate how money controls things. I hate being broke. I also hate it when I am pushed by it (money) to the point that I would exploit things. And that's not me, definitely not me. So money, please, stop being so evil.