in a car underwater, with time to kill

May 24, 2007 13:56

I've, so far, spent every single day this week at le gym. Okay, so that's only 3 days, but today my body has said NO MORE CHLORINE, as I have a headache, and a sore throat of epic proportions.

However, when I was swimming yesterday, I was thinking about pool etiquette, given the fact that I get "pool rage" fairly regularly- I like to swim my 1km (and rising) every day, and I don't like people acting like asshats in the pool. So... my pool rules for well-being.

1. Stick to your "lane".
2. Do not ninja somebody else's "lane". Swimming in a straight line is not difficult.
3. If you are an uber-fast swimmer, please swim in the "fast swimmer's" lane.
4. If you are unbelievably chunky, please do not divebomb into the gymnasium pool next to me.
5. Do not divebomb at all.
6. Control your children. If I wanted to exercise surrounded by screaming children, I would have become a primary school teacher.
7. Do not take up half the pool space.
8. Swim vertically.
9. Please use a stroke that does not splash all and sundry - breaststroke is preferred.
10. If you MUST use backstroke, please watch where you are going.
11. The jacuzzi is not a pool, so please don't sit in it for hours, especially if you are going to do so with your children, as those of us who are actually exercising would probably like to use it.

So, ranting aside, I've clearly been spending too much time at the gym. I don't feel any thinner though. *sigh* But I want to be slimmer and hawter for the Manchester Evening News Diary Bash that I'm going to - it's like one of *the* celebrity parties for the North West.

I hope people from Hollyoaks are there. Then I can be starstruck.
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