Land Or Fa~a~a~all! State Your Peace Tonight! (FreeWill Astrology)

Mar 26, 2013 14:39

Sagittarius Horoscope for week of March 28, 2013

Banzai skydiving is a step beyond ordinary skydiving. To do it, you hurl your folded-up parachute out of the airplane, wait a while, and then leap into mid-air yourself. If all goes well, you free-fall in the direction of your parachute and catch up to it. Once you grab it, you strap it on and open the chute, ideally before you hit the earth. This is the kind of beyond-ballsy activity that would be perfect for you right now. APRIL FOOL! In truth, I don't recommend banzai skydiving now or ever. Plain old skydiving is fine, though. The same principle applies in relation to any adventurousness you're considering: Push yourself, yes, but not to an absurd degree.

This is in borderline poor taste in light of what really happened in Florida last week.

What happens to you if your life has been in freefall so long you forget what it is to be grounded? Or worse, believe you have been grounded all along?

sports, weirdness, who am i, zodiac, astrology, gravity, fall, the future, horoscope

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