Aug 10, 2012 20:40
For the price of two Shillings (I have some weird terms for mundane money) and some legal fees, I am now officially Stephen R. Bierce, Esquire for acquiring 49.44% of Rather Manor. Dad arranged to have my name on the property deed in place of my mother's to save me the possibility of estate taxes if anything happened to him.
I'll need to get together with my siblings, my niece and my nephew about further redistribution of stupf. The problem with such family get-togethers is of course some people exercize too much EQ and do too good a job of entertaining for much to get done.
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My brother is now a Blackjack dealer at the Harrah's casino in Cherokee, North Carolina. They had no shortage of applicants but how he told me he must have been one of the best ones. I wish him all sorts of success.
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Yesterday I wasted a lot of time watching the movie THE SCARLET AND THE BLACK on TH¡S network. It was about a young man who is the illegitimate son of one of Napoleon's generals, and his travels in French high society as the post-Waterloo Reformation begins to implode. And the ghost of Napoleon himself hovers around, giving advice that eventually gets him killed. (I'm spoiling this because it is far too long a movie and so slowly paced you're better off finding the Russian version of WAR & PEACE.)
If you had a famous ghost giving you advice, would you always obey it? Or would you tell him to go to blazes and try to break the cycles?