Jun 01, 2011 00:01
Sagittarius Horoscope for week of June 2, 2011
If you're a physicist or Wall Street broker, your assignment this week is to read the poetry of Pablo Neruda. If you're a kirtan-chanting yogini or the author of a New Age self-help newsletter, your task is to read up on the scientific method. If you're white, be black, and vice versa. If you're yellow, be violet, and if red, be green. If you're a tight-fisted control freak, try being a laid-back connoisseur of the mellowest vibes imaginable -- and vice versa. It's Mix-It-Up Week, Sagittarius -- a time to play with flipping and flopping your usual perspectives, roles, and angles.
These last few weeks have been bending my cakras all out of shape. I guess I'll either need to live with the new shapes or hammer them back the way they were.
who am i,
the future,
what do you have to say?