Snips & Snape

Dec 10, 2010 00:07

I've Updated My Presense In Blogged, tho' it doesn't mean much of anything to anybody I know.

Meanwhile (and this is Livejournal-related), somebody has been going around making nonsensical whines in lots of Livejournals--including MINE--about the character of Sevarius Snape and what happens in Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows. Let me make this as clear and succinct as possible: CUT IT OUT!

1) You aren't making friends, whoever you are.
2) I neither agree nor disagree with you. Harry Potter is one of those pop culture things I like but am not a super fan of. I don't read the books, but I like the movies. If you met me in person, you would see why I would identify with Snape on some levels. But I'm not going to get my dander up because of the story or what happens in it. (I have not seen the latest movie yet and probably won't till the DVD appears. I've been buying the Special Edition multi-disc sets when they appear.)
3) Your latest sockpuppet identity has been Banned from my LJ but not reported to LJ's authorities. Just showing up on somebody's LJ to rant and not engage in a more civil manner is rude and childish. Please, learn some manners and perhaps we'll get along fine.


livejournal, fantasy, fandom, rant, hatred, magic, harry potter, blogged, comments, snarky, links, stupidity

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