New Astrology For August 2010

Aug 02, 2010 00:34

Sagittarius: After the 20th, absolutely nothing will evolve as expected. If you're a typical Sagittarius, you will revel in the frenetic spontaneity of it all. Planning an outdoor banquet? You can count on rain. Traveling? I can almost guarantee they've lost your hotel reservation. Planning a romantic date with your sweetheart? Dead car battery 15 minutes before you're due to meet. This is the way it will go, and nobody will handle it with more grace and positivity than you will. Be quick on your feet. Improvise. No sense trying to right matters. They will remain half-cocked until the 12th of September. Around the 21st of this month expect some shake-ups in your money sector. In all likelihood, you may experience a loss or setback regarding your finances. But maintain your trademark optimism, Sadge. Because after this blip, expect more money to come flowing into your bank account. In the meantime, watch your spending. On the home front, you might be in the midst of a move. It is possible that issues with your parents spur a geographical location for you. But change rejuvenates you. If you do relocate, know that it will open up new and positive life directions for you. Now would also be a good time to lose those extra pounds you've been toting around. Quit making excuses and hit the gym. And for heaven's sake stop drinking carbohydrates in the form of alcohol or sodas. That sugar goes straight to your middle. There are more ways to be the life of the party than to tie on one at every social event.

Year of the Horse: The Tiger year inspires you Horse people to new heights of self knowledge and understanding. If you have been living more or less outside your real self, staying on the same path for years and playing the solid citizen type, August will be a month for you to begin realizing how far away you have run from the real you. Many questions trot through your mind day after day, night after night. Is the life you chose some years ago really the life you wanted? Maybe you are doctor or a merchant, a carpenter or a journalist. And it could be that said profession doesn't really suit you. It's a living. Yes. But what you really hanker after is some kind of creative freedom that you are not getting in your current role. You have always craved stimulation and are especially attracted to circumstances which call upon you to adapt. Not necessarily a homebody, you are drawn to what infuses your creativity with new and fascinating dreams. As your current situation has become stagnant, you will be pleased to see August roll around bringing the impetus for personal transformation. You will be able to start making major decisions about your future when September is upon us. Later in the month, an unexpected event (power surge, flood, fire etc. ) can find you confronted with unforeseen expense. If you have been keeping your money safe, you can deal with this unpleasant surprise. If not, the picture will be crucial as the repair (or clean up or replacement of pipes or major appliances) is both extensive and essential to your comfort. This is not a time to go borrowing money. If you and/or your significant other are handy, perhaps you can repair the damage yourselves. If not, get in a brother-in-law or cousin or even an unemployed neighbor to help out in return for a couple of glasses of your home brew and a few meals. Engage the complicity of your partner in love whilst contemplating the big change. If they are not in your corner, the metamorphosis could prove excruciating.

Looks like a rough patch ahead in both signs. Hmmph.

astrology, time, horoscope, the future, who am i, zodiac

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