Enter The Stevito

Jan 23, 2010 17:42

(Or should I call it the Estebaño? I'm open for suggestions.)

The handy ingredients: a smidgen of beef from Thursday's roast, soft flour tortilla shells.

The plan: mix some "Stevie" sauce...one-half pizza sauce, one-quarter Alfredo sauce, and the rest unequal measures of two different Steak Sauces. Chop the meat into morsel chunks and toss them into the bowl of sauce, mixing so all the pieces get a good coat. Have Mum grate some Colby Jack cheese. Lay a tortilla shell on new nonstick cookie sheet and put the meat/sauce mixture in the center, then the cheese on top of the meat, then fold the shell into a pocket, pinning it shut (except for a vent hole above the meat and cheese) with toothpicks. Repeat for as many shells as you need (one per person). Bake in the oven set to Bierce Autopilot (350°F for 10 minutes).

Result was quite satisfactory.

cooking, ideas, mom, invention, food, bread, family

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