While your tendency to overdo everything can be rather endearing, this month might be just the right time to try to be a bit more restrained. Don't plunge into the madness of the holiday season. Shopping and cooking, inviting people and drinking and eating too much is sheer folly. I am not suggesting you don a hair shirt and eat macrobiotic turkey for Christmas . But you should make an effort to maintain a balanced diet, cut back on how much you drink and even cut back on late nights and parties you attend. Yes. It is fun to participate in all the funky disco and dance till dawn under the stars. But you could be spoiling all the progress you have made with your health problems so far this year. Is it really worth it? It sounds corny I know, but try spending some time in yoga classes. Practice meditation. Those activities will occupy any voids and fill up otherwise empty moments where you might otherwise have been tempted to grab another turkey sandwich slathered with mayonnaise and butter. This year has been a veritable roller coaster for you Sagittarius. if you don't want a repeat ride on that scary kind of amusement park attraction in 2010, Take control of your excesses. If you don't intend to take my advice, double up on that health insurance policy now.
I don't like mayo or butter on my turkey sandwiches. And I hear that kosher macrobiotic turkeys, once they've been properly brined, are plenty tasty.
Please don't imagine you can escape the holiday spirit.. You can't. Not this year anyway. On the one hand you might travel to Vermont or Sydney or Leeds to visit the family of your mate. But if you do that and don't go to San Francisco or Tulsa or Perth to spend the holidays with your own family, feelings will be hurt. Best bet? Stay home. Have small parties with friends and perhaps even spend some festive evenings - just the two of you alone together. It's a stretch to imagine you are now in your new home. But, what might be fun if you have succeeded in finally finding the place you want to live, would be to plan the decor. Draw up a floor plan with exact measurements. Then decide on colors for the walls and window treatments and floor coverings. After that, cut out paper furniture squares the size of your stuff. Place each item carefully and decide if it looks good and is practical in that spot. For the actual days of Christmas and New Year, you might want to think about inviting those people you know who are alone at holiday time. You are pragmatic, but you do have a heart, and it goes out to people who are too lonely or too old to prepare a turkey or ham or a roasted beast of some sort. Extend the invitation early and offer transportation as well. You too will be old one day and wish that a nice Horse person would invite you to share their holiday cheer.
I've had so many spiritless holidays in my life so far, I have a hard time imagining how it could change this year--especially this year.