On the Topic of Travel (While I'm Recovering)

Dec 24, 2005 21:05


Just getting out a few issues.

1) I actually packed TOO MUCH stuff for my trip. For once, not only did I not forget to bring anything...I took stuff I wound up NOT needing. My music CD wallet remained closed the whole time. I took no shots whatsoever on my camera. I had an unused booklet of maps. I still had clean clothes in my bags when I returned. I still had snacks and cans of sodapop in my lunchpail. Of course, if I had a travel buddy with me, I assure you this wouldn't be the case, as we'd be goading each other into meals, hygiene, navigational checks, touristy stuff, and the like.

2) Indiana Jones was right: it's not the years you feel, it's the mileage. My back took a couple days to recover from the saddle soreness.

3) I didn't set out to do it as such, but I kept mostly off the caffeine. I don't know if that helped my sleeping, but I did become a little more sensitive to the stuff.

4) Another thing you learn from traveling through other localities--how badly the radio stations in your hometown SUCK. There is a killer oldies/classic rock station in Chattanooga, and another in Gainesville, both of which would blow the one in Knoxville out of the water. There is no excuse for substandard radio programming.

Merry Christmas to the Christians who read me, Happy Hanukkah to the Jews who read me, and Happy Holidays to everybody.


road trip, things carried, radio, florida, travel, holidays, music, caffeine, tourists

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