Weakly Whirled Gnus

Nov 03, 2009 21:06

Sagittarius Horoscope for week of November 5, 2009

Congratulations, Sagittarius! Free Will Astrology's Task Force on Creative Suffering has confirmed that your current dilemmas are exceptionally interesting and useful. You have demonstrated an impressive talent for getting embroiled in riddles that promise to bring out your dormant reserves of vitality and ingenuity. The dumfounding questions you've been wrestling with are high-caliber tests that have drawn you closer to the heart of the reasons you're here on Earth. Take full advantage of this beautiful mess, my dear. Chaos this fertile is hard to come by.

I'm relieved somebody sees it that way. There is one piece of "better than awful" news I can share with you: one of the cases for which I have been in the Jury Duty pool has closed because the defendant pled guilty. However, I'm still on the hook till well into January unless the legal Powers That Be find cause to dismiss me. It ain't over till it's over.

troubleshooting, who am i, law, zodiac, chaos, astrology, news, the future, horoscope

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