Not Having What You Want But Wanting What You Have

Oct 20, 2009 22:12

Sagittarius Horoscope for week of October 22, 2009

The average middle class person alive today has more goodies than the kings and queens of times past. In fact, even during this time of economic retrenchment, most of us have a higher standard of living than 99 percent of all the humans who've ever walked the planet. In pointing this out, I don't mean to discount the suffering of those who've lost their jobs and homes. But I think it's helpful to keep our collective deprivations in perspective. Similarly, I like to remember that no matter how much our personal trials may test us, they are more bearable than, say, the tribulations of the generation that lived through the Great Depression and World War II. Keep this in mind, Sagittarius. As you wander in the limbo between the end of one chapter of your life story and the beginning of the next chapter, it'll really help to stay conscious of how blessed you are. Halloween costume suggestion: a saint tending to the needs of the dispossessed and underprivileged.

This is a point I've made repeatedly in the past.

Green Grass And High Tides Forever
Castles of stone, souls and glory
Lost faces say "we adore you"
As kings and queens bow and play for you!--The Outlaws

money, zodiac, music, history, astrology, horoscope, the future, ethics, depression, geoeconomics, the 1970s

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