Gifts and Giving

Dec 16, 2005 18:44


I doubt anybody reading this LJ is in any position to be obliged to give me anything this Holiday season...but as I'm trying to point my relatives here, and because one of them asked, I'm presenting a wishlist of sorts.

First off, I'm laying off the high-ticket stuff. Yes, our main TV set is obsolete but we intend to handle that issue ourselves. Yes, my monitor is getting too dark, but I figure I can replace it in six months or so. I'll need a new bed in the coming year, but it isn't an urgent thing.

And so, practical things that are kinda cheap:
1) A pair of fleece running pants. I have five pair but they're all falling apart.
2) Coffee Mugs. I use three in rotation and could always use another.
3) Dental picks. I use them in my model building hobby.
4) Belts. Right now I'm wearing one of Dad's old Marine Corps web belts.
5) A non-electric shaver, preferably one that isn't too gimmicky--but I'm not picky.
6) A box of 3.5" floppy diskettes. Mom and Dad got me a 50-pack of CD-Rs and thin cases for half of them, but CD-Rs are kinda overkill for the data management I have to do. I suppose I can archive what I've already got on floppy and re-use, but many of my diskettes are old anyway.

1) Military surplus insignia patches. I want a bunch of them to doll up my new duffel bags.
2) Music CDs. I have 10 slots left in my travel case. Elsewhere on this blog I have gone over my musical tastes in detail.
3) Heretics of Dune (Frank Herbert) in paperback. I've had Chapterhouse for years but never read it because I probably need Heretics first. I don't care if the copy is second-hand.

I could probably think of more, but time is running out...have to get off the web at 7PM in case somebody calls here. You understand.


money, things carried, stuff i want, giving season, holidays

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