Blessings and Remote Controls

Nov 16, 2005 22:28


I learned I had another blessing to count. On NPR's All Things Considered today, there was a story about a man who had been subjected to a lobotomy as a youth and never knew why. He finally got to look at this records--from FIFTY YEARS ago!--and saw that it was all contrived by his step-mother, motivated by pure avarice toward him.

Now I know I had a troubled childhood, brought about by my own lack of control over my emotions. But now I know my parents loved me that they wouldn't do anything so drastic to me, in the interest of getting me to solve my own problems myself. For that I've renewed my gratitude to them.

* * *

In other news, my cousins James and Elizabeth will be on tonight's Jay Leno to promote his designer remote control device. I hope they're having a good time in L.A.


tv, dad, nbc, radio, mom, mental health

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