Oct 28, 2005 00:30
Via www.freewillastrology.com:
"Every one of us has a monstrous side--a part of the psyche that snarls and bites, that's ugly and irrational, that is motivated by ill will and twisted passions. That's the bad news. The good news is that you're in a phase when you have exceptional power to soothe and pacify the beast within you. Your first step, in my opinion, should be to get it to express its preternatural vigor in a safe setting where it can't hurt anyone, not even you. That's why I suggest you encourage it to dance. Put on music it likes, give it a wide berth, and let it flail and careen and whirl until it has vented all of its aggression. Halloween costume suggestion: your inner monster."
I've been feeling so much ill will and frustration lately this supposition seems to bear out. I once joked to a co-worker (who was trying to get me to change my attitude) that some of the ways I treat myself are banned under the Geneva Conventions.
Hmmm. Punk rock is good.
Many miles away, something crawls up from the slime
At the bottom of a dark Scottish lake...