Y'Gotta Tear It Down!--Bed, Slats And ALL!

Sep 13, 2008 21:20

Just got back from Asheville, where for yet another time (I forget how many it's been now) I've helped my brother move from one living quarter to another in town. This time, he's going from one street named after a fella named Deaver to another street also named for Deaver in another neighborhood. I'm sure that's going to confuse the Postal Service.

D.Wm. borrowed Dad's pickup truck. I used Moonshine as my round-trip transport as Bro would need to continue using the truck through the weekend and beyond to complete the move. We made four hauls and finally gave up for dinner. (No, Moonshine did not carry furnature of any sort. She was parked in the lot of the church across the street from where Bro's "old" place was.)

Asheville is strange. I saw a little girl walking the sidewalk wearing a Snow White costume. *Shrug*

FP (who is glad to be at a stopping place and will probably be immobile for the rest of the weekend)

PS: My parents arranged for a replacement chair for my computer desk! Sitting down is underrated. I'm proud to be a Chairborne Ranger!

driving, travel, brother, truck, toyota, asheville, prizm, chevy

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