...Where Your Towel Is?
The Official Forum for the Webcomic FAANS!, we've started a Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog participation fanfic. The following is one of my contributions; "Fanny" is my character's android Gal Friday.
Still deep within the surprisingly vast Evil Base of Evil:
FANNY: This may sound like a daft thing to ask/
But do you know...where your towel is?
FPILOT: Why, I thought I left one on the plane/
But to wish for it now must be in vain
FANNY: No it is not, because you see/
You really just left it with me!
(She bows, and as she does, her head opens up and the towel flutters down into her hands. It is white with medium blue trim and a ducky pattern on the ends. She hands it to FPilot.)
FANNY: At times like these, you wish
FPILOT: We all wish, we had listened to Mom or Dad
FANNY: Advice they'd wish us all to heed
FPILOT: But words dismissed as haughty screed/
And forgotten till the days we bleed
BOTH: But we know a towel is all we need!
FANNY: Carrying a towel makes massive sense
FPILOT: Wet it as a weapon for your defense
FANNY: A cape to make you look your best
FPILOT: A pillow or blanket for when you rest
FANNY: A mask for avoiding terrible stinks
FPILOT: A shammy for sopping up spilled drinks
FANNY: A flag for help when things get tough
FPILOT: Or just dry yourself off if it's clean enough
BOTH: If you have your towel you're sure to cope...
For where Towel is, you will find HOPE!