=][=, or Nobody Expects the Fannish Inquisition

Jul 22, 2007 00:01

In my rather bizarre habit of delving into games I cannot hope to play, overnight I downloaded the core rules for the Games Workshop game Inquisitor, a.k.a. =][=.

My stats as a character:
WS: 60 - BS: 70 - S: 70 - T: 50 - I: 60 - Wp: 90 - Sg: 70 - Nv: 40 - Ld: 30
Speed: 4 (4 actions per turn)

I rounded my stats to the nearest 10 to make any derivation math easier.

I wonder how this would work out in Warhammer 40,000.


PS: I looked up the website, and saw the document outlining the Glavian Pilot archetype there. My stats are deficient in too many regimens to qualify, but I could just as easily say that I washed out of the Imperial Academy and went freelance. That way I could also forego the cybernetic mods and the Hot Shot attitude of the archetype.

=][=, gaming, wargames, warhammer 40000, who am i

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