Dumbledore's Army Is Here To Stay...

Jul 14, 2007 16:27

Dumbledore's Army are on their way...

Just saw HP: Oo'P this midday.

Loose thoughts:

1) Don't mess with centaurs. But you knew that.

2) People in crystal ball vaults shouldn't...do I really have to finish this thought?

3) The dementors are even scarier than they were in Prisoner of Azkaban.

4) Luna Lovegood's presense makes up for Moaning Myrtle's absense.

5) I sympathize much more with Snape now. There is a line between innocent merriment and cruel pranksmanship that shouldn't be crossed.

6) I recognized the battleship on the river--HMS Belfast. My geek moment for the film.

7) No quidditch scene. Or even a reference to the game. Aye, I know it was superfluence to the plot of the story, but...still kind of missed it.

More to come.


movies, harry potter, spoilers, fantasy, dramedy, film, nephew

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