The trouble with LiveJournal is that I don't know if some of my real-life friends are members--and even if they are, I am not sure I can search for them.
Kevissimo is a real-life friend, even if Carter was President last time we saw each other in the flesh.)
Okay, this is how it is:
My name is Stephen Bierce. I've lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and Tennessee at different points in my life. My scholastic life went thusly--Union Scioto Elementary School, 1972~'74; Waterford Elementary School, '74~'76; Bairdford School, '76~'79; Spring Hill Elementary/West Hernando Junior High, '79~'81; Springstead High School, '81~'85; Saint Petersburg Junior College, '86~'91; Pasco-Hernando Community College, '86~'87. (I switched for two semesters because of burnout and a need to conserve finances.)
At Waterford, I played one season of Little League Baseball.
At Bairdford, I lived in the Fawn Haven #3 subdivision neighborhood.
My sister and brother both went to Warren Wilson College in North Carolina. They also both participate in the local theater scene in Asheville...both of their careers involved the Montford Park Players.
I've belonged to two local anime viewing/trading clubs in my time: first was Mike Birchfield's Space Liner Titanic group in Tampa; the other was OtakuSouth's Knoxville branch, which I was with from near formation to utter collapse. Unfortunately, I have no such affiliations now.
I tried to get onboard with Neil Cosentino's Ye Mystic Air Krewe in Tampa, and I attended a few meetings there but had to give it up. Neil also wanted me to head up an organization he was founding but at the time I had other committments.
I worked with Pete Caravette's Samson Comics for a while, as an unpaid consultant.
I did a short-duration internship with Planet Earth Comics, a comics store in Hudson, Florida.
I belonged to the Tampa chapter of the International Plastic Modeler Society for a few years, until I moved to Tennessee. I'm a member and officer of the Knoxville chapter now and was a member and officer of the Oak Ridge "Secret City" chapter while it existed.
My professional career isn't worth mentioning in this context.