Family Xmas Gathering

Dec 24, 2006 22:56

I'm decompressing now after our family Christmas gathering/banquet/gift exchange. At the last minute I changed my mind about buying a gift for my nephew and got him a NewRay Sopwith Camel toy from the Red Roofs KayBee. I gave my niece a Parrothead's so too big for her she may recycle it as part of a skirt, which I guess would be clever.

I still owe people gifts, but I'm a firm believer of the notion that Christmas isn't over till the last gifts are given and received. Over the years, I've given gifts weeks before Dec 25th, and weeks after, and often months before or after. It's the sentiment that counts, not the timeliness.

So we watched a lot of football and ate spaghetti & meatballs, and (family friend/"adopted brother") Kiyo folded a pair of Dollar bills into a cat and an elephant (numismatic origami is a long-standing hobby among the Asheville side of our set). Nephew Egan showed off his Lego robot.

We didn't sing carols. If Grace was said, it wasn't said at my table. (Nine people; two tables.) Our collective formality was rather informal. I guess nobody felt any need to invest much sentiment into the event.

Still, it was nice. Hope if you have a family gathering tomorrow, you enjoy it as much as we have ours.


niece, family reunions, food, nephew, family, holidays

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