Research Addiction Hopscotch

Mar 28, 2017 19:16

A research thread that started with a fellow on Facebook posting the pictures of an old Doyusha car model he'd just bought last week has led me in a bunch of directions that appealed to my weirdness.

One such place was the particulars of my sister's first car, a Datsun 1200 (a.k.a. Nissan Sunny).  At the time it was built it was the cheapest new car available in the States...and I sort of wonder what manufacturer and model has that title now.

After that, it led me to the story of Isuzu cars in America--which ended (among other places) with the Impulse and the Geo Storm.  For years I saw Storms parked in the backs of people's yards and was weirdly attracted.  Now I know why--they're four-fifths of the way to being LOTUSES.  I wonder now how much work it would entail to fit a Storm with the same kind of Lotus suspension that was optional on Impulses--and what modern Lotus powerplant would work in the engine bay.

ideas, money, models, weirdness, research addict, car chase, japan, auto repair, cars, sister, facebook

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