FreeWill Runs The Roadblock

Jul 05, 2016 22:04

Sagittarius Horoscope for week of July 7, 2016

Do you remember that turning point when you came to a fork in the road of your destiny at a moment when your personal power wasn't strong? And do you recall how you couldn't muster the potency to make the most courageous choice, but instead headed in the direction that seemed easier? Well, here's some intriguing news: Your journey has delivered you, via a convoluted route, to a place not too far from that original fork in the road. It's possible you could return there and revisit the options -- which are now more mature and meaningful -- with greater authority. Trust your exuberance.

I find that difficult to believe.  If I had been "courageous", I would have found a way to stay in Florida, where I would have had a better possibility of starting a career.  Granted, I'm only here in Tennessee because of my love for my parents and my hope to see them well.

time, who am i, zodiac, career, astrology, feedback, the future, horoscope, era

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