Fly On The Wall or Wall On The Fly?

Sep 17, 2014 14:36

I spent another fruitless while yesterday in the Bargain Basement of Books Warehouse in Pigeon Forge yesterday.  The place is a shambles with tens of thousands of books in bins or on shelves with very little in the way of organization.  It's impossibly difficult to find anything specific.

My thinking there went in this direction: if I had one of those quadcopter drones that could carry a camera, or perhaps carry my smartphone and have it act as a camera, I could photorecon the whole space and then have a computer program determine all the books it saw.  Then I could virtually search that data and see if there was anything I wanted or needed.

I feel it's probably a good likelihood that somebody's already thought of something like this.

ideas, books, pigeon forge, helicopters, inspiration, invention, software, shopping, telephones, intel, robots, errands

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