FreeWill: (Not) Speaking Of Things...

Jul 08, 2014 22:48

Sagittarius Horoscope for week of July 10, 2014

In one of her poems, Adrienne Rich addresses her lover: "That conversation we were always on the edge / of having, runs on in my head." Is there a similar phenomenon in your own life, Sagittarius? Have you been longing to thoroughly discuss certain important issues with a loved one or ally, but haven't found a way to do so? If so, a breakthrough is potentially imminent. All of life will be conspiring for you to speak and hear the words that have not yet been spoken and heard but very much need to be.

I think the reason I always see my brother (and less often than him, my sister) in my dreams is because on those few occasions when we do get together, we don't have the opportunity or inclination to get into the heavy subject matters.

astrology, horoscope, the future, what do you have to say?, family, dreams, zodiac

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