Busybusybusy Worker Bee

Feb 03, 2007 14:39

GA was amazing. The motions on Black History Month, GA Bylaw, Sustainability, and Accessible Education passed, one of the Blood Drive motions was deemed unconstitutional, and the other failed. WOOHOO!!

I then went to Council, seeing as I decided to run for Arts Representative to SSMU. It was all interesting and informative, but after being in meetings from 4pm to midnight, I was exhausted.

Ali's party was lovely and the social interaction was enjoyable. I drank a wee bit too much and so ended up sleeping all day Saturday from exhausted and a hangover, which meant missing all three of my classes, two of which are graded for attendence. Fuck. Ah well, it happens. It just can't happen again.

SO much work to do in the time between now and reading week--catching up on work I'm behind on, keeping up on other readings and homework as it comes, collecting signatures for my nomination, political scheming, campaign week, a midterm, a paper, a debate presentation, Day of Action stuff, meetings with Matthew and Kiran about the conference, and a plethora of other meetings and volunteer stuff.

Oh dear.

This weekend: lots of schoolwork, hopefully a movie, Max and Erica's party tonight.

Oh, and did I mention that my new favorite person is Erica? She was HILARIOUS at the GA, heckling people, quite nearly telling people they're idiots, etc...

::Reminds self to breathe:: I can TOTALLY do all this.

student politics, busy, party, ga, schoolwork

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