Apr 14, 2005 14:08
Gahhhh >.< I hate being sick with the intense passion of one thousand burning suns. *nods* Yes, yes I do. *sniffles and feels woozy.* And I am very obviously on cold medication too.
So, my sick-day activities are basically the same as my break-up activities. I sit around on the couch in pajamas, looking like a mess, watching reruns of stupid shows and getting sucked into informercials. The only difference being there is less crying and more sleeping and more medicine. Woo. I wanted to be in school today to see certain people and to pass in my stupid History projects I didn't get to pass in cause I got dismissed after first period yesterday and I didn't even bother with school today. And I also spent like, *thinks* 5 hours working on my other history thing. But then again, Ryan came over to make me feels better and to "help" with the history yesterday, so you can easily see why it took me 5 hours. *nods* He's a good distraction though. ^.- So yeah. I should be back to school tomorrow, just in time for one pointless day before the Appy hols. And that totally blows because term three grades close tomor-
*sneeze attack*
-row and I can't even make up the work cause I wasn't here for the past two days and I couldn't get the work and oh my god why did I stay home today now all my grades are going to plummet cause I wasn't there for the work and I can't make it up cause I suck at life and had to kill my immune system into nothing and then I got sick and couldn't go to school and now I'm going to shrink into a miniscule germ puddle and die and why am I still typing?
I should really go now. Ciao.