I am so tired. It's not even humorous.
BAM, a Syreen! Are you surprised? Because I was. I never really got into the Syreen. If anyone saw one of the males, though, I'll bet he'd look pretty tired. You know, from cleaning and cooking and raising children all day while his wife is goofing off in space. Though this guy just looks sort of blue. HAR.
Someone's about to get shanked like whoa. The VUX homeworld has to have some lowlifes, doesn't it? And they're probably just as concerned about how they look as the rest of the population, albeit perhaps not in the very same way. I don't know; I kind of like the idea of poorer VUX cobbling together jewerly and clothing out of worthless crap. I also kind of like the idea of tough guys mutilating their head tendrils and guaging their webs to look more badass.
And yes lilac is totally a gang color. BEST WATCH YOURSELF.
YIK is too much fun to dress by far, even if her outfits always turn out weirdly minimalistic for me. :\ Oh well. Human skirt, VUX everything else. Maybe PIK and FUP helped her with the lacing. That'd be kind of tricky by herself.
And from the back, just for kicks.
I am tempted to take a stab at this rp whosit of Alana's, if I can find the time somwhere. If I decide to make a decision regarding this, I figured a weird marginal character that could just come and go would be easier to keep up.
Some random customer service goin' on. I wonder what it says about me that the first thing that pops into my head is this smarmy little weasel-equivalent.
Anyway. Maybe, maybe not.