Genetically Engineered Cuddle-Plants

Jan 01, 2008 22:14

So, me and
waywardoctagon were talking about various mad science-y things, specifically relating to the Starcon2 universe, and we came up with a few theories.

I. The Vyro-Ingo's Creation

Once you read enough mad science, you start seeing the potential in others.  Like, say...the Vyro-Ingo.  How in the universe is THAT compatible with the VUX?

Mad science.

Let's say, once, there was a VUX mad scientist, who REALLY did not like other VUX.  So, because he could, made a hideously painful looking species specifically compatible with the VUX.  Of course, once he dies, he essentially leaves behind a newborn alien race, and notes.  Three guesses what that led to.

Hahahahaha the true-breeding offspring are strangely attractive in my head.

II. The Supox's Creation

Another lone mad scientist theory, this time with a different reason and result.

The Supox are a natural anomaly, and they themselves admit they're freaks.  This alone set things off in my head.  And I thought to myself, what could have made these?

Then the image of an Utwig mad scientist came to mind.

Well, mad BOTANIST I should say.  Alone, on a lonely little planet circling Beta Librae, studying the reproduction of local species, and creating something to aid that along.  But then, one day, the little Utwig got lonely...and made a friend.  A friend with cuddly leaves and common sense and a cheerful, upbeat attitude.  A friend who would spread the knowledge that Utwig were good friends, but needed cheering up from time to time, to their descendants.

That's right--I think the Supox are genetically engineered cuddle plants.

III. The Arilou and the Orz

This theory, I can't truly take a light tone with.  This one involves an entire race going mad.  Allow me to elaborate.

Once, long ago, the Arilou existed.  Perhaps on a planet much like Earth.  They lived in Truespace, for a long, long time.

And then they discovered a portal.  A naturally occurring portal.  The science community went NUTS over this, and studied it in great depth.  Over time, they learned where it led...and over further time, learned what that place was.  The excitement spread.  A new level of space!  One beyond Hyperspace!  Plans were made, experiments done, and it was soon learned that they could transport the entirety of their world into Quasispace.  It'd shorten travel, keep them safe from attack, yet they would still have their home planet.  It was amazing!

So they retreated into Quasispace.  And quickly, grew more and more...fixated.  As a race, they made leaps and bounds in many fields, almost all having to do with Quasispace.  They experimented on themselves, to make them further suited to study Quasispace.  They lived, essentially, for Quasispace.

Then they screwed up.  BAD.

At one point, they discovered something almost like a hole, and decided to mess with it--it might be a natural portal like the one that led them to Quasispace.  They did all the tests they could, all specifically made for such portals, and then tried to figure out where it led...this did not end well.  Oh, nothing happened to quasispace, but they got attention when they tried for results in Truespace.  Thankfully, it was drawn to Truespace, and not quasispace.  The bad news was the Orz.  They had drawn a large pocket of Orz into their world.  Blinded and confused from being ripped from their own dimension, they camped out in Truespace.  The Arilou distrusted them.  They were truly alien, and seemed very...disconcerting when it came to sentient life.  What's worse, is the scientists who studied them in Truespace disappeared.

In Quasispace they studied the research left by those scientists and came to a disturbing conclusion.  The Orz were drawn to sentient life, and to those who observed them.  The Arilou in Quasispace were safe, but should the Orz discover their homeworld, that would become a very unsure thing.  However, before they could retreat, they had to find out whether it was all sentience that drew the Orz, or just sentience that knew of them.

They found the humans.

As a race, they instilled sentience in humanity.  But the experiments had an odd effect.  Not on the humans, but on the Arilou.  As humanity progressed, they bonded with the "children" that they raised from a state of racial infancy, and found the bond was as compelling as a parent-child bond.  As they retreated, they decided to leave a portal open...just in case.

They studied their children again, and again, and learned of the remarkable things they were capable of, even in their youth.  They watched the Orz, and studied quasispace, and otherwise did not seem to care about the universe.  Even when the Alliance of Free Stars was formed, they only joined when their children did, and left as soon as they were safe.  But their children would not understand.  Not yet.  But they are proud of the fact they one day WILL.

supox, utwig, orz, vux, discuss!, vyro-ingo, history/society, mad science, arilou, meta/theory

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