Aug 26, 2007 18:26
Hi again. This time I turn my eye to worlds the VUX are known to inhabit: Beta Luyten I, the VUX homeworld, and Alpha Cerenkov I, home of Admiral ZEX. Now, both planets have very sparse atmospheres, Beta Luyten (hereafter referred to as BL) has an atmoshere rating of 0.24 atm (Earth has an atmosphere rating of 1), while Alpha Cerenkov (AC) has one of 0.26 atm. This, combined with the wide temperature range between the two worlds (14 degrees celsius for BL, and 39 degrees censius for AC) and the harsh weather (Class 3) evident on both worlds suggests that the VUX are a hardy species, which may have contributed to a feeling of superiority that would lead to their arrogance and bigotry.