
May 31, 2005 21:04

I'm surprised that I actually slept more hours this Fanime than I have in the last 4 years altogether. Although, the first couple of nights might've been rough since I didn't expect to have a bombshell dropped in my lap at con. It's no secret that I got plastered at the VIP party on Friday night. I really needed those drinks as I knew for a fact I wouldn't have been able to sleep well at all that night.

Interesting enough, I remember exactly how many drinks I had, and the order they were served to me. What I don't remember at all - how the fuck did I get to Jack in the Box? I remember going there with Jerry escorting me, but I couldn't remember the simple directions at I remember tripping and falling on the sidewalk, ended up with a slightly sprained ankle. I remember serving up a shot of liquid cocaine with Yamaga-san - to which he gave us the funniest facial expression since he's never had one before. I also remember spilling my cup of raging bull on Aya and Liv since they sat right next to me. I still can't believe I got them BOTH wet to say the

What I drank:
1 long island
3 liquid cocaines
1 raging bull

When I did get back to my hotel room, I changed into my jammies and paid tribute to the porcelein god. It was the best sleep I had all weekend long. And no, I did not wake up with a hang-over...I was completely fine. :P~

Con Highlights:
-Craige is such an old perv. lol.
-Hearing about Keith's Porn Panel AFTER it already happened. Confronted him at his booth the next day and he showed me the actual footage he *filmed* the night before....OMFG...
-Funimation DVD's were backordered. The reps ended up going around the dealer's room buying back their own titles to have them screened at con.
-Learning to play Japanese mah jong with members of ZZ. As well as having to teach them how to play by Chinese rules too. By Monday, one guy from their management group was referring to me as 'gambler'...^^;;
-2 Dumbass dealer's that got kicked out of Fanime for selling bootlegs.
-Copies of video schedules were delayed from Kinko's. (Stupid Kinko's was closed by 9pm down the street from the con.)
-OMG! Our Program Guides were actually ON TIME.
-The return of hentai room chanting for "HORSE!!!" as well as a new chant..."DOG!!!"
-While checking for ID's at hentai room, a guy got into a hissy fit when he was denied and threw his cellphone against the wall.

There's more stories and shit that hit the fan, but I'd rather not say on LJ....

cons, drinking

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