Volume XXIII

Jan 17, 2009 03:08

Mm... remembered something this morning. I was - no, the Legion, we had to assault Araphen. Lundgren, as Eliwood named my unknown foe, sent troops to stop Lyndis, and attacked Araphen to lay a trap for us. Lyndis's Legion fought to find a secret entrance to save the day, even going so far as to recruit a thief... Matthew? Yes, that was his name - but I know she left that day. We didn't even stay the night. I... can't remember what happened...

Oh, and the land of my birth, Etruria. King Mordred was crowned shortly before I made it back to Etruria after my travels. Aquelia, my birthplace, is the capital city. It was such a bustling place... and then there were... there were...

Ha... I've been so tired lately. I don't think I've been getting enough sleep. Of course, one simple remedy would be for somebody to stop waking me up...

((1% on the actual battle of Blood of Pride, 1% on Matthew, 1% on general knowledge on Etruria. 18% total, 2% remaining.))

sakura, agrias, subaru

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