[Private; unhackable]
Ha... this illness would have been handled better if I had known that it had happened before. Apparently, the same sense of neglect is what left me on my deathbed years ago. That, however, was a much more serious case, as it was not a week that I had done to myself here, but over the course of months in order to gain Lord Pent's approval of my studies. I had malnourished myself unwittingly, or perhaps like this time, it simply never occured to me how bad it had gotten. Illness struck, just as it did here, only instead of being bedridden for a few days, I was nearly killed.
How foolish of me to worry everyone like that. What's slightly more grating is that none of them wished to believe me when I said casting spells was not the problem and would not have an adverse effect. While it may have been difficult, I was no worse for wear because of it. Why could no one see that? Still, I need to find those who helped me and thank them properly this time. Although compiling a list of names reminds me that Agrias seems to have disappeared off the island. Her name is still on the roster, and she's not been patroling the town. I hardly think she would be one to shirk duty like that.
...I hope you're alright, milady.
[Filtered to Subaru]
Hey, Subaru. You haven't seen Agrias around lately, have you?
Another vexing illness strikes, a buffoon vandalizes the apartments, and now the entire island seems to have physically changed appearance. Again. If this is a precursor to another nightmare, I daresay I don't want to be on the island when it happens. One nightmare is enough for the year. I would wager that, since the last one coincided with a holiday called Halloween, that this one would coincide with... what was it... Christmas? But it's too early and this is nothing like Trucy's description. I suppose I can only wait and find out, for better or worse.
((Please deduct one week's pay from Erk and, as I've been negligent myself, $150 for two months of food. 3% regain on the specifics before his illness, 1% on magic theory up to C level. 11% total, 0% remaining.))