Apr 03, 2009 17:56
For a change, I'm looking forward to the weekend. I feel a bit under the weather these days. Hopefully, a bit of rest will do me some good.
[Private; hackable]
What a vexing illness, though. I feel cold, but I simultaneously feel as if I'm burning up. Nor is it a ready constant; it comes and goes in waves. But what I find most interesting, and yet most frustrating, is that if I simply focus, it's like it doesn't even exist. Perhaps it is some sort of mental illness? Perhaps because I've not been casting so much these days? If that were the case, training would be better, but if it isn't, then this only gets worse in a hurry. Ha... what to do. I suppose if it doesn't get better in time, I can always get myself out to try my hand at these stronger scrolls.