Jul 14, 2007 22:46
Tonight K_ and I had tickets to Hamlet at the Shakespeare Theatre. As usual, when we go into the city, we came in early for dinner. This time we met some friends who joined us for drinks. All in all a good time...
Then we got to the show.
For the first time in years I walked out of a show. I am sorry, it was awful. I don't know if I should blame the director or the actor, but the actor playign Hamlet was not good. His entire performance was at such a frenzies pace that it was not understandable. Claudius and Gertrude were just there. Honeslty, none of the parts I felt were well exeuted. There were soem gags that were cute (Rozencrants and Guildenstern bouncing on the couch was amusing, as well as the prissy Osric who ahddn;t said a word). In fact, I fell asleep during some parts of the first act. Yes, fell asleep.
At intermission, K_ turned to me and said "Do you want to stay for the second Act?" Without hesitation I said no, and we left.