chin length really would have been cute! she left it a little longer than i would have wanted, i think so my mother said maybe she should cut it more but then there was this weird guy there who said it looks really nice the way it is so we left it. then he decided to give me ***a great tip on parallel parking- work every time!*** yeah, okay. he was weird- and he kpet pulling on my arm when he was telling me the wonderful tip- after he ran his fingeers through my hair. i dunno, he was just weird. and that's why my hair looks like it does. it's not bad at all, just from the elngth in the front it should be shoter in the back, i think- it would look nicer.
but anyway, here i am because i didn't want to go to the jeiwhs museum with my mother- so after that she went out to eat my my father and avigail who were already in new york. and i fell asleep fro a couple hours and woke up to a dark lonely house. and then eventually yehoshua came home and asked what's for supper. it feels loneyl. i wish i had made something good for supper. :(
it's not bad at all, just from the elngth in the front it should be shoter in the back, i think- it would look nicer.
but anyway, here i am because i didn't want to go to the jeiwhs museum with my mother- so after that she went out to eat my my father and avigail who were already in new york. and i fell asleep fro a couple hours and woke up to a dark lonely house. and then eventually yehoshua came home and asked what's for supper. it feels loneyl. i wish i had made something good for supper.
oh well.
maybe some other time.
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