i LOVE the lazy guy! it's so perfect. and cute he looks like a latke when's chanuka?
i always say: a nose cold is ALWAYS better than a throat cold
but you know, all day today i've been saying that i'm so lazy- and i am! but also i did lots of stuff in advance and i'm really trying to be on top of things... though of course i don't have a completed bio and i'm supposed to write chani rosenthal's also and i don't know what to write- i tried but it came out pretty lame. and seminary stuff- sooo hard. ahhh!
BUT ~when you're smiling, when you're smiling- the whole world smiles with you!~ Hodu laHashem ki tov! life is really amazing- it really is! don't you love Hashem? i love Hashem!!!
I am reeeeeeeeeallllly excited for Chanukah...perhaps even more excited than I am for Thanksgiving, and that doesn't even make chronological sense. Plus, chanukah is the week before my winter vaca, so it's like double chanukah!...kind of.
mr. korbman was reading us a dvar torah today in clss about dreaming and stuff and he started with "this shabbos, chanuka is parshas miketz..." or something like that and stephanie turns around and says "it's chanuka??? really?" i had to burst her bubble. i said no.
i don't think i like days off but tonight i got a good start on my seminary essay- but i think it's a little long and long-winded if that emans what i think it does. maybe i'll write everything i'm thinking and we can trim it if need be. now don't you people get scared because i'm writing my essay and stuff (though i am proud of my efforts) cuz i know i always get scared when people are doing stuff that i should probably start doing, cuz i'm just trying to get ahead of myself to eliminate worry and stress. the worst part is getting recommendations and handing in envelopes and stuff cuz that's scary and i don't know how to do it.
u know, applying to sem as a back up, just in case so someone has the option of going if they so choose, is that much harder and annyoing when essays are invovled.
you mean when you don't think you're even going it's more annoying to have to go through all this? i hear, i hear. (pronounced kinda like hair but i'm sure one of you clever ones will figure it out. hint for jenny: mrs. schwartz)
not quite. but you don't know how mrs. schwartz talks in fact i thought you were clever enough to figure it out without a hint- there's really nothing to figure out- it's when people pronounce "here" like "hair" but i bet you knew that
there are rabbi marcus wacky chanuka stories? im excited.
speaking of rabbi marcus, one of ur brothers went to YU right? since moshe wont keeps forgetting to find out for me even though ive begged him a hundred times, do u know if our rabbi marcus is related to the rabbi marcus who teaching gemara at YU and used to live in fair lawn but now lives in queens? cuz that would be reallly reallly cool.
Rabbi Marcus keep telling us about his WACKY chanuka story- it's a whole period-long story- i think about the lubavitcher rebbe or something.
actually both of my borthers went to YU but i don't know about a Rabbi Marcus. i think a lot of them are related though the people who set up my parents are: the alters (Rabbi Marcus' wife's parents) AND the marcuses. BUT i am pretty sure they're not related but it always confuses me cuz they have the same name
he looks like a latke
when's chanuka?
i always say: a nose cold is ALWAYS better than a throat cold
but you know, all day today i've been saying that i'm so lazy- and i am!
but also i did lots of stuff in advance and i'm really trying to be on top of things... though of course i don't have a completed bio and i'm supposed to write chani rosenthal's also and i don't know what to write- i tried but it came out pretty lame. and seminary stuff- sooo hard. ahhh!
BUT ~when you're smiling, when you're smiling- the whole world smiles with you!~
Hodu laHashem ki tov!
life is really amazing- it really is!
don't you love Hashem? i love Hashem!!!
oooh, chanukah, i wish it was right now. maybe it is right now. hmm. nope, deifnitly not.
i had to burst her bubble. i said no.
i don't think i like days off but tonight i got a good start on my seminary essay- but i think it's a little long and long-winded if that emans what i think it does. maybe i'll write everything i'm thinking and we can trim it if need be. now don't you people get scared because i'm writing my essay and stuff (though i am proud of my efforts) cuz i know i always get scared when people are doing stuff that i should probably start doing, cuz i'm just trying to get ahead of myself to eliminate worry and stress. the worst part is getting recommendations and handing in envelopes and stuff cuz that's scary and i don't know how to do it.
i still like the little latke
i hear, i hear. (pronounced kinda like hair but i'm sure one of you clever ones will figure it out. hint for jenny: mrs. schwartz)
in fact i thought you were clever enough to figure it out without a hint- there's really nothing to figure out- it's when people pronounce "here" like "hair"
but i bet you knew that
and we get Rabbi Marcus' WACKY chanuka story too
speaking of rabbi marcus, one of ur brothers went to YU right? since moshe wont keeps forgetting to find out for me even though ive begged him a hundred times, do u know if our rabbi marcus is related to the rabbi marcus who teaching gemara at YU and used to live in fair lawn but now lives in queens? cuz that would be reallly reallly cool.
actually both of my borthers went to YU but i don't know about a Rabbi Marcus. i think a lot of them are related though
the people who set up my parents are: the alters (Rabbi Marcus' wife's parents) AND the marcuses. BUT i am pretty sure they're not related but it always confuses me cuz they have the same name
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