wow, i feel so much better about life when my room is clean. now i just need to finish 2 short essays , write 3 papers (one of which i'm just going to rework from an older one) study for 2 finals and finish 6 drawings, then the month long good-times can begin. yeah, that's all i have to do. in 2 1/2 days. i'm such an ass. i had plenty of time to do this but i'm little miss last minute. oh well. as long as everything gets done (fingers crossed) it's all good, that's just the way i roll.
so the caroling party was tonight, it got me all in the christmas spirit. it was all family/family friends (including jen and her boyfriend) and cole's neighborhood friends. jen and joe (the boyfriend) do ballroom dancing and they did a dance for us that was from dirty dancing. it was hot, i wish i could dance.
i need to get a fake id. if anyone knows where i could get a good one then...tell me.
THREE MORE FREAKING DAYS. i can do this. it will be ok.
ew last night when this song came on i got really sick out of nowhere. it was like 2:30 in the morning, i got really nauseous and fevery and was leaning over the toilet bowl. then i just like passed out and felt better in the morning, thank god. i think it was just stress/lack of sleep/staring at the computer too long.