Title: Housecleaning
Author: Grasshopper (A.K.A. The Undertaker's Muse)
Rated: PG
Prompt: 22 - Dirty Laundry
Warnings: Innuendo. Stupidity. Humor. Something. And fluffy, het romance type stuff. (I fail. Srsly.)
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Spoilers: Nothing specific, but set post-curse. (Whee~ future fic! ^.^)
Pairings: Sohma Yuki x Kuragi Machi
Summary: Neither Yuki nor Machi are particularly tidy individuals.
Author's Notes: I love writing this pairing, no matter how difficult it may sometimes be. I just wish I’d been able to flesh this out a bit more, because I adore the idea of it…
Disclaimer: All things Fruits Basket belong to Takaya Natsuki-sensei. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.
fruityfic100/Sohma Yuki x Kuragi Machi Themes Index (
22. Dirty Laundry )