Jun 19, 2005 12:46
Helloooo! Well I went to Wally World last night. I got the new Fall Out Boy CD =D. It's kick ass. You should get it! Lol, I saw Brooke there. We got my daddy an engagment ring for Father's Day, cause his broked. It's pretty though. This ugly dude in there was starin` at me. So I yelled at him. I told him that if he keeps starin` at little girls, he's gonna end up like Michael Jackson. He just stared at me some more. Then he like followed me the rest of the time I was there. I got home around 11:30, and me and Brooke got on the phone. We talked until 12 something, then I had to go. So I just talked to her online. I was supposed to be in bed before 5 AM, but I couldn't sleep, so I ended up going to bed at 8 AM, and woke up at 11. So that's why I'm so tired..and hungry. I think I'm going to straighten my hair today, but I don't know. Well, I'm out.