Jan 30, 2006 14:31
Okay! I've decided in honor of the chinese new year. We're going to take a break for this week from the roleplay. To instead begin something new. We'll be celebrating year of the dog of course! Now, while I know Tohru isn't technically part of the family, she can dream right? So, to be fair. (Regardless if Akito likes it or not.) Tohru's going to include herself upon the banquet. While I do admit, it is going slightly out of character to be doing this, the whole point of this roleplay is to have fun. So what better way not to have fun than a week worthy celebration?
I'm not too sure on how to kick things off, perhaps one of you will know a better way. Though all roleplay for now shall cease until next monday.
Thank you, and please enjoy yourself. If you want to go crazy so long as you somehow stick slightly to character then it's all fine by me. I know how we all love to be with our crack chats, and I think it'd be fun to have everyone be able to interact amongst the banquet. If Akito disaproves THAT badly...then...
Party at Shigure's!
Can I get a WooP WooP?!