Kiss them for me~

Jan 05, 2009 01:55

Hello there ^^ It's been some time now since I last posted~

It is terrible, I have fallen for yellow since then. Ah well.

And I kind of forgot to take pictures of 3 or 4 outfits that were kind of okay since everything has been so hectic lately! I shall do them again, and post them then.

Cold winter + shitty days = NEED FOR COLOURS! And being casual and comfortable more than anything really.

2 tights~

I was very surprised to find my beloved Cheshire cat at Six, it's so cute! Almost everything in this outfit was offbrand - except from the All Stars, obviously.

Stupid face is stupid =="

New coat~ so warm and comfy!

Once again, except for the shoes that are Dr Martens, every thing is offbrand. A bike would have looked great beside me XD; Unfortunately, I don't have one~

YORRICK BEANIE! Got it at the Globe theater. I love it to a point that is ridiculous. This was my "CHRISTMAS OUTFIT". Okay, irony induced. It just was a warm outfit to fight this silly holiday.

Please do not mind the towels ;A; new lip piercing and new fringe.

Everything offbrand once again - except the skirt? I think it's a bodyline. If that can qualify as brand?

It was very sunny that day so I had to wear my glasses that tint under the sun~ Also, cavalier jacket that belonged to my mother.

Well I guess that's all =) I've ordered... too many clothes for my own good, so you might see me soon with them =)
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