This is my bag :)
It's a 5 euro army surplus store bag. Most stuff on the bag cost more than the bag itself lol.
On it: Disneyland Paris Phantom Manor pin, Malificent and Diablo pin, Duchesse from the Aristocats badge, zero keychain, Halloween carrier strap band (handmade).
Now you know what's on it,
My Portable Media Center and headphones (altho admittedly, those mostly dangle outside the bag around the strap).
LOADS of Kleenex Balsam (I have a cold) and my spare glasses.
Wallet, mobile, change purse, asthma medicine, lip balm, armwarmers with purple bats, playing cards, mirror, some passion fruit body butter sample I uses as hand cream, and an ikea pencil. Normally there's a pen in there as well, I wonder where that went...
Sketchbook, notebook, book on Tarot and a book on the element of fire (both in Dutch).
Polkadot ruffle umbrella from H&M. I have the same one in black too, so I can switch when I feel like it (altho I always carry just one around).