This morning, while rummaging through the usual mess of clothes strewn across my bedroom floor, I discovered a
prized mixtape made for me by my friend drew. I immediately became stoked and luckily I had sasha’s walkman to accompany me on the gruelling subway ride ahead of me. The mix was choice and I found myself singing along to almost all the tracks. Having just acquired a seat, I set my bag down and sunk low into the subway seat, ready to pass out for a bit. At that moment, one of the intros to my favorite jams came on! Shyne “bad boyz”! Needless to say, I shot right up and exclaimed ‘oh snap!’. You know the feeling when you haven’t heard one of your favorite songs in awhile and memories just come flooding back to you? Well, that’s what happened. And it was AWESOME. Anyway, I started thinking about the mixtapes I’ve made for folks and the ones I’ve received and the different themes and ideas going thru my head when I am creating. Some times it takes me awhile to create; an amalgamation of the perfect songs can be difficult. Other times I don’t think about what will flow with what and it ends up still being an ok thing. Sometimes the less thought out the better. Recently, thanks to an assault of several tapes made for me, I have gotten back into the usage of my walkman. Although I won’t ever truly be able to abandon my IPod, it’s a welcoming change to be the only one rockin’ a tape player on the subway. "Tapes? That’s OLD SKOOL FOOL!" - mixtape masta.