Jan 01, 2005 13:02
Hope everyone had a good past 2weeks i know i did. im extremly exhausted right now. all ive been doin is running around which is ok cuz id rather be doin that then sitting at home bored....id rather sit at someone elses home and be bored lol jk. um i had a pretty good x-mas got everything that i wanted or needed for that matter. including a cell phone whoot! its been forever since ive updated this cuz my computer is jacked and mick is goin crazy cuz he doesnt want any more viruses on the com and we dont have the right protection yet. ugg. these past 2weeks have been good for me, ive figured out alot of things although its been a bit emotionly stressing its all good now. i might let yall in on a lil bit of it later but right now im at my grams. last night was pretty uneventful unless you count bout 6 or so screaming children running around w/ no means of being controlled. yah my new years i was babysitting but it wasnt entirely bad. more later ~chelsea