You Are an Excellent Student

Mar 17, 2008 11:18

"I'll rock this semester!" I shouted, hope in my heart. For the longest time, I have been making As and Bs in his upperlevel history classes. The one course looming before me, a Civil War course, would put one more A up there. It would prove to me that I wasn't a mere average historian, but excellent at my field.

I made a D in it today. Normally a B would devestate me, but a D has taken me to a new level.  I did so poorly not because I'm unintelligent (well, it depends on the definition of intelligence), but because I failed to follow directions. I wrote two essays on a test when I was only to do one, and I suffered for that. The teacher was quick to look at me and say I knew the material, that I was an excellent student. He said those things as he gave me a D and mentioned off-handedly I would probably be unable to make an A this semester.

I enjoy history, I like it, and I tried hard for that test. I'm told I'm capable, that I'm excellent, but my grade won't reflect that. I feel frustrated, hurt, and confused. I just really need someone to talk to right now.

I set out to rock this semester, and it turns out that I'll probably only be able to make a B.

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